Tanassi launch, 2024
## **Thank You for Participating in**
Let's Forkin Dance
Let’s Forkin’ Dance (LFD) S1 was Tanssi’s first-ever incentivized testnet campaign, blending on-chain and off-chain quests tailored for the Tanssi community. Whether you're a developer, a casual user, or a key network supporter, LFD had something for everyone.
Here’s how LFD shaped up by the numbers:
## **participants**
worldwide completing [quests](https://lfd.tanssi.network/) hosted by 41 teams in the Tanssi ecosystem.
## **community growth**
across all channels, expanding reach and welcoming new members.
## **testnet transactions**
recorded on [Dancebox](https://apps.tanssi.network/dancebox), offering a glimpse of the mainnet activity to come.
## **appchains launched**
on the testnet, highlighting Tanssi's new approach to blockchain launches in just minutes.
## 1% of the Tanssi Network Allocated Across Three Tracks for Users, Builders & Block Producers
With the campaign now closed, 40% was allocated to Tanssians, 40% to Builders, and 20% to Block Producers, effectively boosting engagement among key participants. Explore the results below to see how the Let’s Forkin Dance campaign unfolded.
[Final Ranking](https://lfd.tanssi.network/)
[About the Incentives](https://www.tanssi.network/testnet-campaign)
![](file-guid:f5e3bf49-c702-4f3e-91b3-d50a4878b342 "1.webp")
## **Incentives: A Token of Gratitude for Your Active Participation**
Explore each track in detail to see how the specific incentives benefited participants.
### Tanssians
(General Users)
Open to all in the Tanssi community, this track invites you to participate in games, NFTs, and DeFi quests. Contribute and help the Tanssi ecosystem thrive.
![](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c5e759_f52c260fba614039a685ce05545f7680\~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_133,y_122,w_785,h_796/fill/w_352,h_355,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/c5e759_f52c260fba614039a685ce05545f7680\~mv2.png =352x355)
**[Final Ranking →](http://lfd.tanssi.network/)**
A total of 40% of the incentives pool, or 4,000,000 tokens, was allocated to this track.
Although participation was open to all\*, only the top 4,000 leaderboard participants qualified for incentives. Incentives will be distributed according to their rankings, as shown in the table below.
![](file-guid:e0cb098e-e819-4372-a2a4-db43118af560 "2.jpg")
_Note: The information in this table is subject to change at the discretion of the Tanssi Foundation._
### Builders
(Ecosystem Projects)
Top-performing projects in the Tanssi ecosystem competed for incentives that propelled their development.
**[Final Ranking →](https://www.tanssi.network/testnet-campaign/builders-track-application)**
### **Builders Track Incentives**
The table below shows how the incentives were distributed to support builders' efforts, detailing the share allocated to top performers and all actively participating builders.
![](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c5e759_c7b6a8cf049048f591ef2c7d78367f47\~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_248,y_142,w_545,h_755/fill/w_271,h_375,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/c5e759_c7b6a8cf049048f591ef2c7d78367f47\~mv2.png =271x375)
![](file-guid:ab253735-0e08-42bd-8b83-30154d1a85e2 "3.jpg")
### **Block Producers**
Block Producers play a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of the Tanssi network. During the Dancebox testnet, block producers in the network competed in performance-based challenges, with top performers receiving incentives for their excellence in block production.
**[Final Ranking →](https://www.tanssi.network/testnet-campaign/block-producers-waitlist)**
### **Block Producers Track Incentives**
During the Dancebox testnet, block producers competed in performance-based challenges, with those who excelled receiving a larger share of incentives. All block producers who performed above average qualified to enter the incentives pool. A total of 20% of the incentive pool, or 2,000,000 tokens, was allocated to this track, promoting peak performance and reliability.
##### ![](file-guid:dee834a9-7d85-4ea5-8d09-646e63d3387d "4.webp")
_\*DISCLAIMER: Please note that participation in the Let's Forkin' Dance Incentivized TestNet campaign is subject to specific t[erms and conditions](https://www.tanssi.network/testnet-campaign/lfd-terms-of-use), which will be provided by the Tanssi Foundation once the campaign begins. This site and its contents are not intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity in the United States, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria, its territories, or in any jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. Please bear in mind that persons from the United States, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria will not be eligible to participate in this campaign and all participants could be subject to KYC/AML processes_