![3x8O99jUvEkbabR3IqT0w8Xd6cWQmXh6O2q80ZH5S.jpg](file-guid:70a158ec-3b68-45fa-9983-aa8ac59466a2 "3x8O99jUvEkbabR3IqT0w8Xd6cWQmXh6O2q80ZH5S.jpg")
# **Overview of TIA[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#overview-of-tia)**
## TIA at a glance[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#tia-at-a-glance)
![](file-guid:bfc94a47-281f-4040-bb25-2253ea3bc076 "1.png")
## **Role of TIA[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#role-of-tia)**
### **Paying for blobspace[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#paying-for-blobspace)**
Celestia’s native asset, TIA, is an essential part of how developers build on the first modular blockchain network. To use Celestia for data availability, rollup developers submit PayForBlobs transactions on the network for a fee, denominated in TIA.
### **Bootstrapping new rollups[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#bootstrapping-new-rollups)**
A core part of the Celestia vision is that deploying a blockchain should be as easy as deploying a smart contract. In the modular era, developers no longer need to issue a token to launch their own blockchain.
Similarly to ETH on Ethereum-based rollups, developers may opt to bootstrap their chain quickly by using TIA as a gas token and currency, in addition to paying for data availability. In this mode, developers can focus on creating their application or execution layer, instead of issuing a token right away.
### **Proof-of-stake[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#proof-of-stake)**
As a permissionless network built with Cosmos SDK, Celestia uses proof-of-stake to secure its own consensus. Like in other Cosmos networks, any user can help secure the network by delegating their TIA to a Celestia validator for a portion of their validator’s staking rewards.
Learn **[how proof-of-stake works in Cosmos](https://docs.cosmos.network/main/modules/staking)**.
### **Decentralised governance[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#decentralised-governance)**
TIA staking also allows the community to play a critical role in decentralised governance over key parts of Celestia, such as voting on network parameters through governance proposals, and governing the community pool, which receives 2% of block rewards.
Learn more about **[Celestia’s decentralised governance model](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#decentralised-governance)**.
### **Denominations[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#denominations)**
#### **TIA: display token[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#tia-display-token)**
TIA is the **`[DisplayDenom](https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/blob/ada77509d7fdedf2a3e3400b720549365851454c/app/app.go#L110-L111)`** that you will typically see in wallets and user interfaces.
#### **utia: staking denomination[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#utia-staking-denomination)**
`utia` is the **`[BondDenom](https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/blob/ada77509d7fdedf2a3e3400b720549365851454c/pkg/appconsts/global_consts.go#L75-L76)`** and stands for "micro TIA", with 1 TIA = 1,000,000 `utia`. This is the native staking denomination.
In staking operations or transactions, if no denomination is specified, `utia` is assumed.
#### **microtia: staking denomination alias[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/tia#microtia-staking-denomination-alias)**
`microtia` is the **`[BondDenomAlias](https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/blob/ada77509d7fdedf2a3e3400b720549365851454c/app/app.go#L108-L109)`**, an alias for `utia`.
# **Paying for blobspace[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/paying-for-blobspace#paying-for-blobspace)**
## **PayForBlobs transactions[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/paying-for-blobspace#payforblobs-transactions)**
To publish data on Celestia, developers can submit `PayForBlobs` transactions. A `PayForBlobs` transaction consists of the identity of the sender, the data to be made available, the data size, the namespace, and a signature.
Each `PayForBlobs` transaction is split into two parts: the blob or blobs which include the data to be made available along with the namespace, and the executable payment transaction which includes a commitment to the data.
Both the blobs and executable payment transactions are put into the block within the appropriate namespace. The block data is extended using erasure coding and then Merkelized into a data root commitment included in the block header.
See **[the detailed life cycle of a Celestia transaction](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-celestia-works/transaction-lifecycle)**.
Learn how to **[submit data to Celestia’s data availability layer](https://docs.celestia.org/developers/submit-data)**.
## **Fee market overview[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/paying-for-blobspace#fee-market-overview)**
Celestia uses a standard gas-price prioritised mempool. This means that transactions with higher fees will be prioritised by validators. Fees are comprised of a flat fee per transaction and then a variable fee based on the size of each blob in the transaction.
Understand how fees are calculated on Celestia in **[the overview on submitting PFB transactions](https://docs.celestia.org/developers/submit-data)**.
# **Staking, governance, & supply[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#staking-governance-supply)**
## **Proof-of-stake on Celestia[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#proof-of-stake-on-celestia)**
Celestia is a proof-of-stake blockchain based on CometBFT and the Cosmos SDK. Celestia supports in-protocol delegation and will start with an initial validator set of 100.
Staking TIA as a validator or delegator enables you to earn staking rewards from the network. Validators charge a fee to delegators which gives them a percentage of staking rewards.
Learn **[how proof of stake works on Cosmos SDK chains like Celestia](https://docs.cosmos.network/main/modules/staking)**.
![](file-guid:86b45b04-e972-4fec-b6a6-f688282ba747 "a.png")
Learn how to **[stake on your own at the community dashboards](https://docs.celestia.org/nodes/staking)**.
## **Inflation[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#inflation)**
TIA inflation starts at 8% annually and decreases by 10% every year until it reaches the long term issuance rate of 1.5%. Exact annual inflation rates can be found in the diagram below.
The annual provisions for inflation are calculated based on the total supply of TIA at the beginning of each year. To calculate how many TIA to issue per block, Celestia uses the block timestamp rather than the block height since the time between blocks can vary and cause actual issuance to be higher than the target.
For an in-depth understanding, refer to **[ADR019](https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/blob/main/docs/architecture/adr-019-strict-inflation-schedule.md)**.
## **Decentralised governance[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#decentralised-governance)**
### **Network parameters[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#network-parameters)**
TIA holders (not just stakers) can propose and vote on governance proposals to change a subset of network parameters. To learn more, see a **[complete list of both the changeable and non-changeable parameters and their values](https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-app/blob/v1.x/specs/src/specs/params.md)**. Additionally, learn how to **[submit and vote on governance proposals](https://docs.celestia.org/nodes/celestia-app-commands#governance)**.
### **Community pool[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#community-pool)**
Starting at genesis, Celestia’s **[community pool](https://docs.cosmos.network/main/modules/distribution)** receives 2% of all Celestia block rewards. TIA stakers may vote to fund ecosystem initiatives as in many other Cosmos SDK chains.
Learn how to **[submit a governance proposal to spend community pool funds](https://docs.celestia.org/nodes/celestia-app-commands#community-pool)**.
## **TIA allocation at genesis[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking-governance-supply#tia-allocation-at-genesis)**
Celestia will have a total supply of 1,000,000,000 TIA at genesis, split across five categories described in the chart and table below.
![](file-guid:3e605ab6-646e-4db6-98d0-27ec427eede0 "b.png")
Celestia’s 1 billion TIA supply at genesis will be subject to several different unlock schedules. All tokens, locked or unlocked, may be staked, but staking rewards are unlocked upon receipt and will add to the circulating supply.
**Circulating supply** is defined as the amount of TIA tokens in general circulation without onchain transfer restrictions.
**Available supply** is defined as the amount of TIA tokens that are either part of the circulating supply or are unlocked but subject to some form of governance to determine when the tokens are allocated. This includes the unlocked portion of the R&D & Ecosystem tokens and the tokens set aside for future initiatives.
_The definitions for circulating and available supply were adapted from **[Optimism’s definitions](https://community.optimism.io/docs/governance/allocations/#token-distribution-details)**._
Unlock schedule by category is described in the table below.
![](file-guid:87c4c81f-4643-4cd8-a3c5-db36ac583751 "c.png")
# **How to stake TIA[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#how-to-stake-tia)**
Celestia is a proof-of-stake blockchain based on the Cosmos SDK.
Staking TIA as a delegator allows you to secure the Celestia network. This means that you can stake the native token TIA and vote on governance proposals.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to stake TIA tokens via **[Keplr](https://www.keplr.app/)**, **[Leap](https://www.leapwallet.io/)**, and **[Gem](https://gemwallet.com/)** wallets.
## **Select your preferred wallet[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#select-your-preferred-wallet)**
## **Stake TIA with Keplr wallet[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#stake-tia-with-keplr-wallet)**
### **1️⃣ Open your Keplr browser extension[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#open-your-keplr-browser-extension)**
Navigate to `Staked` and select `Stake with Keplr Dashboard`.
This will open the Keplr dashboard in a new browser page.
### **2️⃣ Select Celestia network and search for a validator[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#select-celestia-network-and-search-for-a-validator)**
In the Keplr dashboard, select the `Celestia` network and pick a validator of your choice.
### **3️⃣ Stake your TIA tokens[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#stake-your-tia-tokens)**
On the following screen enter amount of TIA tokens and select `Stake`.
A Keplr popup will appear, requesting your approval for the transaction. Select `Approve`.
### **4️⃣ Confirm and manage your TIA[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#confirm-and-manage-your-tia)**
After the transaction is confirmed, you will see the following overview dashboard where you can claim rewards, unstake, redelegate, or stake additional tokens.
## **Stake TIA with Leap wallet[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#stake-tia-with-leap-wallet)**
### **1️⃣ Open your Leap browser extension[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#open-your-leap-browser-extension)**
In top right select `Celestia` network and navigate to `Stake`.
Similarly to previous step, select the `+Stake` button.
### **2️⃣ Select a validator and stake TIA[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#select-a-validator-and-stake-tia)**
On the following screen choose a validator of your choice, enter the desired amount, and click `Review`.
Following that, review the transaction details and select `Stake`, then wait for the transaction to finalize.
### **3️⃣ Confirm and manage your TIA[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#confirm-and-manage-your-tia-1)**
After the transaction is confirmed, you will see the following overview dashboard where you can claim rewards, unstake, redelegate, or stake additional tokens.
## **Stake TIA with Gem wallet[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#stake-tia-with-gem-wallet)**
### **1️⃣ Open your Gem Wallet app[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#open-your-gem-wallet-app)**
Navigate to `Celestia` and select `Stake`.
### **2️⃣ Choose the amount of Celestia and search for a validator.[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#choose-the-amount-of-celestia-and-search-for-a-validator)**
Select the amount of Celestia tokens and choose a validator from the list.
### **3️⃣ Stake your TIA tokens[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#stake-your-tia-tokens-1)**
Review the network terms and commission, then press `Confirm` to proceed.
### **4️⃣ Manage your TIA[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/how-to-stake-tia#manage-your-tia)**
After your transaction is confirmed, you will have access to a control panel where you can claim rewards, unstake, redelegate, or stake additional tokens.
# **Staking on Celestia[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking#staking-on-celestia)**
Engage with the Celestia network at a deeper level through staking. An essential mechanism to a proof-of-stake network, users can secure the network by delegating to a validator and receive a share of its staking rewards.
## **Mainnet Beta[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking#mainnet-beta)**
Currently, the following staking interfaces exist for the **[Mainnet Beta](https://docs.celestia.org/nodes/mainnet)**.
Just connect your wallet to get started!
- **[https://wallet.keplr.app/chains/celestia?tab=staking](https://wallet.keplr.app/chains/celestia?tab=staking)**
- **[https://cosmos.leapwallet.io/transact/stake/plain?chain=celestia](https://cosmos.leapwallet.io/transact/stake/plain?chain=celestia)**
- **[https://alphab.ai/s/m/celestia/](https://alphab.ai/s/m/celestia/)**
## **Mocha testnet[](https://docs.celestia.org/learn/staking#mocha-testnet)**
Currently, the following staking interfaces exist for the **[Mocha testnet](https://docs.celestia.org/nodes/mocha-testnet)**.
Just connect your wallet to get started!
- **[https://alphab.ai/s/t/celestia-mocha-4/](https://alphab.ai/s/t/celestia-mocha-4/)**
- **[https://explorer.kjnodes.com/celestia-testnet](https://explorer.kjnodes.com/celestia-testnet)**
- **[https://testnet.keplr.app/chains/celestia-mocha-testnet](https://testnet.keplr.app/chains/celestia-mocha-testnet)**