Kucoin Chain

KCC Accelerating the Flow of Value Around the World

About the Space
![](file-guid:569267d5-becc-4468-9705-e557724279f2 "Logo2.jpg" =350x) ## **Motivation** Since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, the crypto world has experienced a revolution that saw blockchain 1.0 to blockchain 2.0, and blockchain N.0. Cryptocurrency has expanded beyond the characteristics of a currency to include the capabilities of an application with the smart contract as its basis, with an endless supply of new application types. Decentralized finance, decentralized computing, decentralized storage, Web3.0 etc. We believe that in the future, blockchain technology and its related applications will be applied on a large scale and profoundly change our lives, akin to the Internet today. The ecosystem and the applications derived from blockchain technology will continue to benefit mankind. However, while blockchain technology continues to move towards mass application, there are still urgent problems that need to be solved. For example, more than 90% of the world's population has never been exposed to cryptocurrencies or the associated technology. The rapid development of the crypto world (such as the emergence of new technologies, new concepts and new applications) will also increase the threshold for new users to enter the crypto world (such as NFT transactions, Layer 2s and cross-chain transactions, etc.). Moreover, there remains a huge "disconnection" between the crypto world and the traditional world. Since its establishment in 2017, KCS ecosystem has been an observer, a participant, and a beneficiary within the crypto industry. For the next phase of the industry’s development, KCS team would like to further capitalize on the key advantages, such as our influence, platform, technology, talents etc., to build a self-circulating ecosystem based on KCS, thereby lowering the barriers for ordinary users to enter the world of the blockchain, thus allowing blockchain technology and its related applications to truly move from the geeks to the masses while allowing more individuals and organizations to make better use of blockchain technology and advance it.


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