
Polkadot enables cross-blockchain transfers of any type of data or asset, not just tokens.

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![polkadot+crypto.jpg](file-guid:6c325ba0-f601-417d-91fc-7d2b5795e401 "polkadot+crypto.jpg" =400x) **True interoperability** Polkadot enables cross-blockchain transfers of any type of data or asset, not just tokens. Connecting to Polkadot gives you the ability to interoperate with a wide variety of blockchains in the Polkadot network. **Economic & transactional scalability** Polkadot provides unprecedented economic scalability by enabling a common set of validators to secure multiple blockchains. Polkadot provides transactional scalability by spreading transactions across multiple parallel blockchains. **Easy blockchain innovation** Create a custom blockchain in minutes using the [Substrate↗](https://substrate.io/) framework. Connect your chain to Polkadot and get interoperability and security from day one. This ease of development helps Polkadot’s network grow. **High energy efficiency** Polkadot consumes a small fraction of the energy used by conventional blockchains thanks to its next-generation nominated proof-of-stake (NPoS) model. Using the equivalent of \~6.6 US households worth of energy per year, Polkadot has the [lowest carbon footprint↗](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-02/polkadot-has-smallest-carbon-footprint-crypto-researcher-says) among proof-of-stake protocols analyzed in [recent research↗](https://www.carbon-ratings.com/dl/pos-report-2022). **Security for everyone** Polkadot's novel data availability and validity scheme allows chains to interact with each other in a meaningful way. Chains remain independent in their governance, but united in their security. **User-driven governance** Polkadot has a sophisticated governance system where all stakeholders have a voice. Network upgrades are coordinated on-chain and enacted autonomously and without forking the network, ensuring that Polkadot’s development remains future-proof and community-driven.


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